How Do I Pay For My Medical Care After a Wreck?
How do I pay for my medical care if I’ve been in a wreck, been in an ambulance, and been to the hospital? The ideal answer is your health insurance. You want all of your bills – the ambulance, the hospital, the ER doctors, the radiologist, your primary care physician when you go for a follow-up, the chiropractor, the physical therapist, the surgeon – everybody. You want your health insurance to pay those bills. Now, some people respond, “Wait a minute, but that’s not fair. This other person caused this wreck, why should my insurance pay?” Don’t worry, your insurance has got this whole situation set up so they will get paid out of any resolution at the end. So, if we settle the case or we go to trial and get you a judgment, if we get you money later, we’re going to have to use some of that money to pay your health insurance back. But what we really want is for you not to have collections for people not to be calling you and asking for money. You want to use your health insurance to pay your medical bills, right?