Hair Straighteners and Cancer

hair tools

A recent study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found an association between the frequent use of hair straighteners and uterine cancer.

People in the study who’d used hair straighteners frequently (defined as at least four times in the past year) were approximately three times more likely to have gotten uterine cancer than people who had never used hair straighteners. Chemicals found in many beauty products, including hair products, have been found to be endocrine disruptors that have been correlated with higher instances of hormone related cancers, such as breast and cervical cancers.

This study was examining whether there was also a link between these products and cancer of the uterus. Uterine cancer is one of the most common types of gynecological cancers, and rates have been rising in recent decades, particularly amongst Black women.

The recent study used data from the Sister Study, a long-term health study of women whose sisters died of cancer.

If you or someone you know has been affected or has questions about this issue, contact us or call 304-725-7029. We’ll be happy to discuss your case with you.