Winchester Office

Address: 158 Front Royal Pike Suite 203, Winchester, VA 22602

Office Hours are by appointment only.  Please inquire to schedule an appointment. Appointments can be made Monday through Friday, 9am – 5pm, except major holidays. If needed, appointments can be made after regular hours. Further, if you are unable to visit us, a member of our team can come to you.

Please only visit this location if you have an appointment scheduled. Our attorneys are not available for walk-ins. Please call, text, or message to set up an appointment.

Call Or Text: 540-888-8888

Our main receptionist is available from 9am til 5pm, Monday through Friday, except major holidays. Inquiries are taken 24 hours a day.

If you have a legal issue, then a short summary will be collected by our receptionist or intake specialist to be reviewed by one of our attorneys. Our attorneys work hard to provide a response within one business day. The response will let you know if we can help and how to proceed. If our attorneys are unable to help, then they might be able to provide you with the name of another attorney who can.

After hours voicemail:  please leave a voicemail with your full name and a brief summary of your legal issue or need. We will work to respond as soon as possible.

Text:  please message with your full name and brief summary of your matter.

Message Skinner Accident and Injury Lawyers

158 Front Royal Pike Suite 203

Winchester, VA 22602

P:Call Now at (304) 725-7029